Spypoint Link Evo


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a Spypoint Link Evo camera and I am pleased so far. I had moved my Spartan Go Cam (with AT&T cell service) to my Mom's house to keep track of who was going and coming. It is working fine for that but I had a hankering to get some wildlife pics. Thought about another Go Cam but a friend (Alan who hunts my land) had bought a Spypoint Link Evo and was happy with it. Cost was less so I decided to give it a go. I bought from TrailCamPro website, who are very good with answering questions and have a return policy. At this point I do not plan to return.
This camera uses built in Verizon service, but AT&T is available as well. The pictures go to a website and you receive an email periodically during the day that new pictures are there. Using a phone app you can readily access the pictures. Unlimited pictures per month is about $180 per year, 250 pics per month is 60 per year. Or 100 pics per month is free. They have a hunting plan which is three months unlimited for about 25 per month, I think.

Here is a sample of the app screen and several pictures that I have received

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