Spraying spring Winter Rye plot


Active Member
One of my Winter Rye micro-plots looked pretty in Jan & Feb since the deer browsed the heck out of it. I raked it w/ a heavy duty landscape rake (too many lg. rocks up here in the mountains to disc or till - plus I think I'd get less erosion w/ less soil being turned) & planted Ladino Clover back in March. Since then the Rye is really taking off, guess it was the timing of warmer weather & the Spring showers we're finally getting. Should I have sprayed the Rye w/ Glypho 1st then done my soil prep after it died or am I OK doing what I did?
Would of been better to seed the clover back in the fall with the rye but you should be fine. The rye will seed out and mature and then the clover should release. Only possible problem is the rye shading out the clover since it isn't established yet.
If it's a thick stand of rye, you can mow it back once it gets around a foot tall to give the clover some sun. The rye is your friend now until the clover is thick enough to suppress weeds/grass.
This is a good reminder to plant clover in every plot every fall, if you ever think you may try clover. It's infinitely easier to kill clover in the spring, than to plant it in the spring and try to outrun the weeds. Same goes for rye. I'd make it standard practice to cover every inch of plot in rye seed 45 days before your first frost.