
Poor man's corn. Looks great. Lots of cover and those seed heads will provide some good food.

Good job
I plant 5or 6 fields each year in mid June using a hybrid 3ft milo which is concept treated so that you can put down a pre-emergent herbicide to keep out the grasses. The milo heads out in August just about the time it is hot and dry and there is little else for the deer to eat. They flock to the heads which will regrow until frost. Milo is cheap, stands up to heat and drought...a great plot for early season which we have here in SC.
I said it was sorghum but really it is a mix from NWTF

As an aside every time I try the "Upload a File" button here I get:

The following error occurred
There was a problem uploading your file.

Not a big deal, I can upload to photobucket but still makes me wonder if it is file size or something else.
I'm pretty happy with this plot.

I know popular advice is to soil test and then follow the recommendation. I don't totally disagree with that but I get decent plots slowly working towards that goal...maybe it's my soils.

I planted clover than soybeans on this plot without a soil test...added a little lime and some fertilizer to the soybeans. Took a soil test this spring and the pH was still low. Added some more lime this year but not all that was called for. I never did get nitrogen added this year so it's only got the nitrogen from 2 years of clover and 1 of soybeans.

Would the plots have been better with full lime and fertilizer, probably ... but they have been good enough.