Thank you, Wayne. I feel like ive had a good growing year with my trees.
The pine bark you're referring to in the small pots with baby pines is a simple potted mix i purchased and added nothing. All the fabric pot soil i mixed myself using potting mix, sand, pine bark that I crushed myself (that wasnt fun
), and osmocote. I followed a basic recipe but cant remember proportions off hand. I also watered with miracle gro a half dozen times this summer. Roots have grown through the fabric and been air pruned as well.
The garden bed is nothing special. Its been worked for nearly a decade for multiple purposes, including trees. I grew rye there over winter, mulched heavy with grass clippings this spring, and weeded constantly in July and August this year.
I did throw down triple 12 at planting/seeding and hit it again before a rain in July. I think its biggest benefit was a lot of rain and keeping the weeds out. But its not what i would call loose soil. Those trees are pretty happy though
Early next spring, i will lift them with a spade and keep some dirt on the roots, placing them into a plastic grocery sack tightly wound around the roots to get them into the field. It'll be fun to check out those roots!