Restoring my fathers old hunting Jeep

Since I dont have luck with new parts I created an access hole for the sender, going to make a stainless plate to screw in, now a 3 hr job will take 10 minutes



After fussing with the old tailgate for a day I just couldn't justify the hours of labor it would have taken to fix it. It was twisted, warped and rusted so I took the plunge and bought one from Walcks. It came so perfect it took me less than an hr to clean, scuff and spray with epoxy primer and color. Tomorrow the stencils



I'm afraid that would mean a divorce, although she always wanted a 69 Camaro :-)
I think the real danger here is you spending too much time in the house due to no projects... that would surely cause the divorce!

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Actually I really want to get back into my food plots again. Been neglecting that for 2 yrs now.
I enjoyed following the jeep restorations, and for myself I enjoy that type of work on rainy days and bad weather, but on nice days I want to be outside working on plots. So I agree, time for food plots!
Been awhile since I played with this thing. Very busy summer. The aftermarket radiator left a big gap between it and the stock shroud so I did some metal work to fill it in....
Actually been thinking in selling or trading it for a mini excavator for camp... decisions decisions



