Restoring my fathers old hunting Jeep

Well after yanking my rebuilt motor back out and fixing the machine shops mistake (put cam bearing in backwards) shes back in, looking pretty again. Runs like a new motor, great oil pressure, no smoke after break In and a new clutch installed. On to the next phase



Due to the close proximity to the fuel line I heat wrapped the exhaust

John - If I was ever gonna buy a restored classic I'd pay quite a bit extra if it came from you! You must have a bit of OCD in you because your attention to detail is off the charts. You shoulda been a surgeon!
Triple C - he is the mechanic surgeon without a peer anywhere that I know of.

John your ability to restore is surpassed only by your great "show and tell" thread. Man I love riding along on your thread.

Thanks for sharing such great detail.

I first want to admit that I didn’t read all 22 pages, but I did read enough to see that you, Sir, have the skills of an eye surgeon and the patience of Job. Only a labor of love gets these kinds of results. Stick your chest out John, you’ve earned it !
Driving it around today on some side streets. Still having an issue with the trans , will only go into 2nd when running, I have to shut the truck off to get it in any other gear. Clutch is disengaging. But if I remove the rear drive shaft it shifts fine ?? Consensus is a tight pilot bearing

So I pulled the transmission and found the problem.....I think



I'm doing a complete rebuild on transmission and transfer case. I don't want to take it out again


