Rainfall app similar to FarmLogs


Active Member
Does anyone have an app they like to use to track rainfall (or for those of us in the southeast, lack of rain)? I have used the FarmLogs app for a number of years but their business model has evolved to where they are charging way more than I am willing to pay.

Looking for something that will track rainfall on individual fields, rainfall per event, show rainfall year to date, historical average rainfall and growing degree days would be nice.

I know they data is available freely on the web, FarmLogs just offered it in a nice convenient package. Looking to see if there is something else similar that anyone has found.
Does anyone have an app they like to use to track rainfall (or for those of us in the southeast, lack of rain)? I have used the FarmLogs app for a number of years but their business model has evolved to where they are charging way more than I am willing to pay.

Looking for something that will track rainfall on individual fields, rainfall per event, show rainfall year to date, historical average rainfall and growing degree days would be nice.

I know they data is available freely on the web, FarmLogs just offered it in a nice convenient package. Looking to see if there is something else similar that anyone has found.

There is no such thing. If someone is promoting rainfall totals via an app on individual fields they are being dishonest.
Farmlogs used Dopplar Radar data obtained from NWS and that's an average of precipitation over 4 sq km. But, somebody has to pay for it.
FieldView is what I use. It’s been correct every time I have checked rain gauges.

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Pretty upset with Farmlogs, I used the free version and I liked it, I gave the info I really needed in a fairly easy to use app. They asked for my opinon on the next level up that had a lot of marketing and a few other features, I liked most of the things and had some things for them to work on. Then I found out I was losing most of the features of the free level and they wanted over $100/year for those features and that really turned me off. So now I don't use it at all.
Farmlogs still shows me when I received rain but I just can't go back and look at daily history anymore without paying. Climate View will give you the rainfall totals for yesterday, today,and year to date but you can't look back at historical dates either. I keep both and compare.

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Agree. FarmLogs still sends me the emails and I kept the app on my phone, but I liked the historical graphs. I understand their decision to make the changes they did. I was just happy to "freeload" to track rain and temperature on my properties, but freeloading doesn't pay for intellectual property, overhead and profit. No hard feelings from me, but I just can't justify paying what they are asking.

The more I use the Agrible app the more I like it. They may follow suit with FarmLogs and cut out the freeloaders too but for the time being it is a pretty good alternative.
Longleaf, what all can you do on the Agrible app? I liked being able to see how much rain my fields got, but don't feel like I should have to pay that much for what little I do use
I am using Agrible in much the same way as I used FarmLogs. I have polygons sketched around major portions of the farm. In the app I can see the rain totals for the previous 24 hours. I also get an email every morning that has a a summary of info such as rain in the last 24 hours, rain in the last 7 days, rain forecast in the next 24 hours and 7 days. Also temp. data the same. The email has a link to their website that has more summary including the graphs like FarmLogs had showing rain / growing degree days over the year.

There is a lot of additional functionality that is more relevant to a commercial growing operation. I'm just trying to track how much rain my food plots have gotten and I use it in planning my prescribed burns to estimate fuel moisture.
Have any of you tried water.weather.gov ? That’s what I use to check rainfall totals on the places I can’t witness the totals myself. It’s pretty accurate for totals going back from today to months ago. I check it at home and my lease against a rain gauge. Always seems close.
Have any of you triedwater.weather.gov ? That’s what I use to check rainfall totals on the places I can’t witness the totals myself. It’s pretty accurate for totals going back from today to months ago. I check it at home and my lease against a rain gauge. Always seems close.
You want to enter water.weather.gov/precip for the correct screen. You may be on to something here, I like the simplicity of this site. Enter your zip code in the top right box, the time period in the lower left dropdown, and a rainfall history chart for your area appears.
I open the page and ask for rainfall for today, usually after it stops raining. That way I can use the map to go to the very place I’m hunting or planting. After I center that area on the map, I then switch to rainfall totals for the last seven days. It works well for me.
Professor, I’m not sure the motivation is as high this go ‘round.

This is a different source of precipitation data. Amount by day. You still have to do some work to get what you want. Look at the sample included below. That's the output.

The query instructions are also attached. It's easy.



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