Hey guys, trying to get some clover, chicory, wheat and oats in the ground sometime soon but they are calling for rain 13 out of the next 14 days. Is it too risky to plant? I'm in Northern Kentucky.
Hey guys, trying to get some clover, chicory, wheat and oats in the ground sometime soon but they are calling for rain 13 out of the next 14 days. Is it too risky to plant? I'm in Northern Kentucky.
Hey guys, trying to get some clover, chicory, wheat and oats in the ground sometime soon but they are calling for rain 13 out of the next 14 days. Is it too risky to plant? I'm in Northern Kentucky.
Heck you could probably throw it on top the ground, pack it in, and it will do great if that happens. But if your weather person is like mine…..wouldn't bank on it. Good luck.
I actually just wrote then deleted a long post in the clover thread about my clover not going dormant because of the timely rains and cooler temps this summer. I deleted it afraid I may jinx myself and get hit with a dry hot spell.
It is just early August and it can sure change in a hurry or you may miss the pop ups your neighbors may get. Seems to happen to me all the time. I'm still shooting for the first week of September to get my fall plots planted. You may plant and turn out great. Good luck however you decide to go.