My go to elk and hog setup has always included slick trick 4 blades. I’ve tuned dozens of bows and could get most (not all) to shoot exactly with field tips through a combination of walkback, paper, and bareshaft tuning. I hunt hogs in TX every year with an outfitter who grew up chasing elk with a bow. He and I share the view that it’s easier to shoot through the ribs of an elk than it is a 175lb boar hog if punching through the shield. When I first started hunting with this outfitter 10 yrs ago, he discouraged mechanicals because of mixed performance on larger boars. Today, his recommendation of broadheads is actually rage hypodermic heads assuming adequate poundage and arrow weight. I’ve shot a number of 2-300lb boars with 400g arrows at 300fps and rarely get an exit. However, the larger cut of rage heads kill quickly and always punch through to the opposite shield. Because I was not getting exits with the slicks, I’m out nothing. Back when living out west where shots averaged 45yds or so, I’d carry slick tricks and mechanicals (usually Rocky Mountain Snypers). If I knew shots were going to be long or the wind was really blowing, I’d alway have a mechanical in hand. Otherwise, I’d reach for the slicks. Today, I’d wouldnt hesitate to hunt elk with 2” hypodermics. Just my 0.02.