Quapaw Meadows (My 160 Acres)...

Awesome job Todd (and Mollyann). I've spent more time in the stand this year than most, and sightings have been relatively few. Glad you all were able to connect. Don't want her growing up too fast, but can't wait for my little girl to start joining me in the stand and get to see that type of smile first hand.
You have formed a lasting bond with your daughter. Congratulations to her on a great hunt and the patience she displayed. Congratulations to you on being the kind of dad we need all across this land as a role model.:cool:
Congrats DogDoc and Daughter too.

The non-typical is a great trophy. The daughter did a great job also. ;)

I have been chasing whitetails and just now noticed the father and daughter success.

Thanks for sharing.
Great story about your daughters hunt. Tell her great job! Love seeing young people hunt, especially ladies! Bet your proud!

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Great story...great day...great ending! Talk about perseverance! Can't get more special than spending time on stand with your kids. Happy, happy, happy for you guys!
Went to the farm today to build up a little duck blind for this weekends hunt. I didn't hunt the early season as I was focusing on deer hunting. Second season opens Saturday and hoping this cold front pulls some ducks down. The ponds a really low so I took a couple t-posts with some welded wire and just made me a quick blind. When the ponds up I just hide in the tall grass at the shoreline.

View from the blind:

Ran over to my place to check things out since the 1/2" rain on Sunday. BBJ plot is actually doing ok. Brassicas have struggled but there are some small radishes.


Two years ago I sprayed 6 acres of an almost monoculture fescue field to try to get some diversity and provide higher quality habitat to the wildlife. So this field has had two growing season since the first spray. I do have some patches of fescue returning which I will take care of this spring but here is a nice pic of how much bluestem is coming in without the fescue competition. There is also a lot of foxtail that has come up also and other broadleaf weeds but just about anything is better than fescue.
Remember I got lazy last fall and decided to do a quick "throw and light till" planting on my main plot. So I just broadcasted wheat, oats, rye, and sunflowers and then tilled at approximately 1" depth. After tilling the larger seeds I broadcasted ladino clover and walked away. Worked out fantastic.

Broadcasted rye into spend Eagle Soybeans. Still a few bean pods but not many.

Red Clover is still producing---just didn't get much help from mother nature this fall.
Scrapes are still active

Boggy Bottom Buck made it through rifle.

And a new buck showed up

Lots of small buck pics but not one daytime pic. I moved a camera to an active scrape that is about 20 yards inside treeline to see if Iget any daytime pics.

Pretty cat

I like the blackjacks on far side of pond for a natural blind....just looks like a good place to put a captain chair and burlap front cover. Built plenty of cedar blinds back in the day! All of our water levels are ridiculously low right now.....seen a few Mergs that's it!

Nice cat!

You thought about burning the converted fescue field? There is enough fuel for sufficient fire to bring out more of the desirable native species. Removing fuel from around planted trees would be a given.

Headed to the high plains within the hour for the annual ditch chicken hunt and crop/cover crop tour....then take the long way home through the ranch as rumor on the street says I will have a grand pup before Tuesday!

Merry Christmas to you and your family Doc!

I like the blackjacks on far side of pond for a natural blind....just looks like a good place to put a captain chair and burlap front cover. Built plenty of cedar blinds back in the day! All of our water levels are ridiculously low right now.....seen a few Mergs that's it!

Nice cat!

You thought about burning the converted fescue field? There is enough fuel for sufficient fire to bring out more of the desirable native species. Removing fuel from around planted trees would be a given.

Headed to the high plains within the hour for the annual ditch chicken hunt and crop/cover crop tour....then take the long way home through the ranch as rumor on the street says I will have a grand pup before Tuesday!

Merry Christmas to you and your family Doc!

Yes, the blackjacks make a great little hiding place when the water level is up and the wind is out of the north. When the pond is a full status and the blackjacks are dropping acorns the woodies are in there thick as flies on poo! Shoot more Gadwalls then anything and the occasional mallard. Lots of ringnecks but I don't shoot them. Pond is pretty close to the North Canadian and lot's of local geese that hang out at the OG&E water plant in Harrah. It's an easy hunt as I can drive right up to the shore and drop decoys.

Yes, I know a controlled burn would really benefit the fescue area but my problem is I have no experience and so very afraid that it will turn into a non-controlled burn!

Merry Christmas my friend and good luck with the new one's arrival.

Looks like your plots have done well despite the drought, amazing how they do once they finally get a little water. I am surprised at how mine came to life after looking like a desert! Hope those bucks make it to next season, Boggy Bottom ought to be a stud with another year.
You should have a good hunt with any amount of open water.....saw a lot of birds north of you off the interstate, including large flocks of lessers...no sheet water...ponds are low and wheat is fair to average.

Ringneck eat as well as cans and reds and all are a trip for the dog to retrieve...they key is to cut through the breast feathers then fillet breast off of skin....maybe I'll post a pic later in the season for clarity. Mergs, grebes and coots are about the only thing I don't shoot and don't eat.
My deer season is done for the year so now it's off to killing ducks. Beautiful cold morning for sitting in the blind. Belle is 12 now, little slower in the step, little gray on the edges, little hard of hearing, but the girl still has the drive to go hunting.

First Mallard of the day

Beautiful Drake Shoveler that is going on the wall

One bird short of a limit.