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Looks like a few new bucks show up. Hopefully some cooler weather that is suppose to come in will get them moving a little more in the daytime but right now that are all nocturnal. I hardly ever have bucks this early in the season so I am pretty excited when these guys start searching for girls and get a little stupid.
New buck #1--first deer I have ever had on my place with a droptine--it's small but it's there

New buck #2--Now this guy has some character. Would love to have this big guy on the wall. Just hope he hangs around.

Looks like a few new bucks show up. Hopefully some cooler weather that is suppose to come in will get them moving a little more in the daytime but right now that are all nocturnal. I hardly ever have bucks this early in the season so I am pretty excited when these guys start searching for girls and get a little stupid.
New buck #1--first deer I have ever had on my place with a droptine--it's small but it's there

New buck #2--Now this guy has some character. Would love to have this big guy on the wall. Just hope he hangs around.