Planting tree plugs..

I need some feedback on planting tree plugs. They will be 20 cubic inch plugs and I honestly have no experience with plugs. Would it be better to put these in gallon bags and baby them or is that even a relevant idea with plugs? Would the root structure be suitable for fall planting as is? I have not seen them in person as of yet so I can't give a description of the root mass associated with them. I am very familiar with planting and upsizing with rootmaker products. Any information would be welcomed!
I need some feedback on planting tree plugs. They will be 20 cubic inch plugs and I honestly have no experience with plugs. Would it be better to put these in gallon bags and baby them or is that even a relevant idea with plugs? Would the root structure be suitable for fall planting as is? I have not seen them in person as of yet so I can't give a description of the root mass associated with them. I am very familiar with planting and upsizing with rootmaker products. Any information would be welcomed!
First, I'd consider my numbers; do you have a BIG bunch that would be difficult to carry over until next spring. If so, you might want to develop a strategy which plants some later in the fall and carries some over until next spring. Your tree plugs are not going to have a lot of root mass since 3" X 3" X 3" is 27 cubic inches ... your plugs are smaller than that. Consequently, if you decide to plant some this fall, unless you can water them at least once a week I'd hold off planting any until the daily temperature highs are in the low 70s or high 60's.
They should still have time to get their roots established before colder temps, you will have less chance they will dry out if you can't keep them watered, and later in the fall we usually have heavier due and the soil doesn't dry out as fast. Good luck my friend.