One Thousand Chestnut Trees - a Whitetail Deer Project

Familytradition the reason I caught that is I had a couple in that shape year 1. You know experience is a good teacher.

When you move them up in a container size (if you do) you can center the stem in the next growing container.

It is great you had the four year old involved. I wish more habitat folks would take the time to pass it down the family tree.

You are well set with your growing resources.

Nothing really i stole it from youtube. And i had a roll in the shed and figured it couldn't hurt to try it out. Made a couple different sizes till i figured out how much material for the size bag i wanted.
How are your Bur doing? Have they started yet? I intend to plant quite a few next yr. I already have a bunch but I sure like to grow natives when I can.

I saw you say that the Chinkapins aren't doing well. I didn't save any of those over but I did start a bunch of DCO's from the place. They shot up 6in and then stopped. They are alive and doing fine, just not growing any taller.

My Chestnuts are almost a complete failure this yr. I have a couple growing but most didn't germinate. I used the same fridge, same amount of storage time, started them the same, etc... I changed growing median and that's it. Could have been a temp setting on the fridge that changed? Not sure, but the results are sure different than last yr!

My classes have 59 Sawtooth growing right now and I don't think I have enough to supply everyone who is asking for them.
The Chinkapins had the best radicles of anything I stuck in the growing media but they are not putting on top growth. Don't know how I messed it up but how that is going is shocking. If I was a betting man - that would have cleaned me out.

The Burs are doing great. I planted in three dishwashing tubs that I put a shelf line in the sides and bottoms. I put 60 in the tubs (20 per tub). I counted yesterday and I have 37 with top growth. I love how they are doing - nice leaves. They get on with it.

So this year the Burs and Swamp White Oak from CAS_HNTR have been great additions. Next week I will move the burs to fabric bags.

Regarding Burs - do I have to plant in groups for pollination reasons? How deep of a tap root do they put down?

Thanks for the Burs and I am sorry I goofed on the Chinkapins - just have no clue where I went wrong.

Don't be sorry for the Chinks. I'm sure it's nothing you did, nature is goofy sometimes and they may still do something good. I've never tried to grow them from seed or pot them so I don't really know how they should be acting.

Same with the Bur. We have a ton of them native so I don't really know anything about them (never needed to know, they just grow), you might check Google.

I have started SWO for the first time this yr also. Very nice looking trees!
That makes me feel better, I am still waiting on first chestnut to germinate. I followed the process but my fridge may have been too cold for too long. It is a mini fridge that others have access to so i cant be sure as to what happened. I checked the inside of a few more and they are shrunken inside the outer shell, but still yellow and no mold or bad smells. I am sure I messed up with the fridge.

Those are great looking green leaves for sure. Tells us the process is working great - water, heat, light, etc.

Thanks for sharing & congratulations on your seedlings. Your whitetail deer will be the winners on down the road.

Pretty basic growing here Wayne, a couple years ago I purchased a growing tent from Farm and Home for $30 the tent holds 8 Rootmaker trays. The tent is in the south window in our kitchen so natural light is the only light source. I have them sitting partially over a heating register but this year I I tried a little ceramic heater in there set on very low, trying to keep the temp 75-80 deg, I have the heater off now and they seem to be doing well. As far as the watering I water them every 2-3 days or when they look dry, These chestnuts have taken off so I had to remove a couple of the shelves in the tent to make room, good thing I only have 4 trays.


36 seedlings is great news! Do we have more that are waiting to show top growth or is this the crop? Growing 36 chestnuts your first year is excellent. There are just so many things that can turn against us.

Thanks for sharing.


36 seedlings is great news! Do we have more that are waiting to show top growth or is this the crop? Growing 36 chestnuts your first year is excellent. There are just so many things that can turn against us.

Thanks for sharing.

I have a few more lagging behind

Have you seen any radicles yet? Have you placed any in growing media?

If they are in growing media, what is the temperature source?

Just trying to get some information to help understand.


I went back and read your Feb 4th post in this thread. What are the outside temperatures for the last 10 days? If they get cold at night, that will really slow them down.

Many of these photos in the last few post are inside under growing lights or with indoor temperatures. Indoor temperatures hold a better night time temperature than if we have them outside.

Be patient - they will get rolling soon.

No radicles yet. I can bring them inside but i figure it was warm enough. Here is the last couple of weeks.
No radicles yet - then we have to wait.

Looking at your chart - the 10th, 11th, 12th lows would slow top growth if we were in that part of the process. The 16th and 17th show a dip that would also slow top growth.

What we need is the radicle to show.

When they do start - they will shift gears rather quick. Nature is in charge - so we wait and watch.

Headed on a 4 day trip - so i will not be on the forum again until Friday.
