Mow and Throw in the north

William Allis

New Member
I am from WNY and wonder if anybody in my area is using Mow and Throw. Would like to know your mix, planting and herbicide dates and success in our heavy soil..

I’ve played around with clover and rye planted in September. I increase seed amounts and really pack it well. It works in a pinch....but my results have been weed infested. It’s critical to do it in front of a good rain.

I always prefer to spray, disc in soil amendments, spray a few weeks later to get rid of newly germinated weeds, broadcast grain, cultipack, broadcast clover and cultipack again.
I will try rye, oats, field peas, radish and clover in a spray, throw and mow next August. We just finished planting a brassica mix and a clover mix in in a tilled food plot. I work on 5-7 year rotation, plow and plant cereal grain mix with brassica. The next year I plow and plant a light cereal grain mix, light brassica mix and a heavy clover mix. I am always hopeful to get at least 5 years out of the clover plot by spraying and mowing. Have never tried field peas.

Would like to try the no till spray, throw and mow, would run a cultipacker over it. Trying to save running my equipment over the ground and compacting even more. My question is whether anyone as tried this in a heavy soil area, we have clay, hard-pan and stone. Plowing is mandatory in preparing a normal seed bed. Disk just bounces over the stones.
Ive had good success with brassicas, mid July as Im a bit further north than you. I havent seen great success with grains or clover yet. This year with the lack of rain even my brassicas died off. I got ZERO growth from my rye/oat/pea/clover. I suspect the turkeys had their way with the seed as I didnt have as much dead mulch as I had expected after spraying. I ended up doing a quick disc with my ATV and replanting rye so at least there is green in there this fall. Peas are so big that unless they are covered well I suspect the turkeys find them easily.