3 sits so far. My son wanted to bowhunt Friday evening. Only saw 1 orphaned fawn mowing down my clover.
Saturday morning Saw a doe and her two yearlings. I stood up to get a better view (and because I'm impatient in the early season) and the doe busted me. The fawns ran straight at me and ended up bedding down 23 yards from me....for 3 hours! It was brutal. I spent the last hour trying to get them to leave without being busted. Coyote noises, dogs barking, doe bleats, buck grunts. I actually threw stuff from my backpack at them. They would not leave! I had to pee so bad at noon I couldn't take it any longer and just stood up.
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Sunday evening I hunted my new box blind for the first time. Four does and 2 fawns. No bucks. Shot opportunities but the only doe close enough had her fawn with her and she was skinny!
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