Making sure folks saw this

Seems a bit confusing to me. The name of the forum is deer hunter, and the logo representing the forum appears to be a better fit for a forestry forum.
If this forum is about habitat, the name doesn't fit. If this forum is about deer hunting, the proposed logo doesn't fit.
Just my $.02
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Very good point. When I was first describing what we were all about to Tim I mentioned acorns, trees, hinge cut trees, chainsaws, tractors, and of course deer. It's hard to fit all of that stuff into one logo though.

Any and all suggestions are welcome.

PS when we were scrambling to come up with a name for the forum, one of the ones that GoDaddy suggested was "mega toad". That one still cracks me up :)
I say you turn this into a contest! Lay out the guidelines and the like and turn us members loose! We got some creative folks here I bet. Make sure everyone knows the "message" and the intent of its use.
I agree on the too cartoonish. But since the name is Deer Hunter Forum it needs a design to match the name. Maybe a set of deer antlers superimposed over a clover leaf, tractor, chainsaw???

Just an idea
I'm a fresh off the boat newbie and glad to be here.

But if you ask me the name of the forum begs to have a deer and a gun/bow in the logo IMO.
That looks cool. I've got a graphic designer working on one now so will keep y'all posted
Maybe a deer, in a clover patch, licking a chainsaw, with Johnson Grass in the background
Don't forget the Fescue, Sericia, Autumn Olive, and wild rose...maybe even a sweet gum or 2 but we could offset all of that with a chestnut but then screw that up by having a sawtooth in there...
Don't forget the Fescue, Sericia, Autumn Olive, and wild rose...maybe even a sweet gum or 2 but we could offset all of that with a chestnut but then screw that up by having a sawtooth in there...

I was thinking a picture of the headstone at the grave of the last deer hunter to ever live with a big coyote chasing a young coon up a sweetgum in the background.
This is the direction we are leaning in. What do y'all think:

I like the idea here and I think it looks good. These are only my suggestions... I would slide the deer to the center, remove the tree and then put some tall grass/crp coming up from the deer hunter and stopping at the bucks shoulders(I would use the leaf color you have now for the grass). I would think something like that would be cool. You are certainly on to something with this one!
I feel the deers legs look a little off back drivers side and front passenger side blending together. Also the passenger side antler forms a little blob with the tree branch. Overall I like it though

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