So after hunting hard for 7 days, I knew gun season was opening on Sat. I debated taking the gun, but kept talking myself out of it. Despite seeing my #1 hit list buck 2X over 7 days, I just figured I would go with a bow on Saturday and Sunday and let the chips fall where they may.
this is a nice thicket just south and southeast of my south stand, which makes it dicey for north winds. But I watched a lot of does head into the southeast pocket in the mornings to bed. The road is just on the other side of this thicket about 60 yards. My hit list buck went through this thicket like a charging bull one evening searching for the ladies.
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You can see my Miscanthus Giganteus tunnel that I use to access the stand.....
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So Sunday morning dawned cold and crisp. An hour after daylight I peaked behind the tree into this wetland area and I see the buck I came for weaving through the tall grass.
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I grunted. With hardly any hesitation the buck came running. In the time it took to grab the bow and attach the release, the deer was 20 yards behind the tree. He opted to take the side of the tree that would require me to turn completely around. By the time I could get to where he was, the buck, a beautiful 9 pointer with a forked G2 and a tall 150" rack, was 15 yards. I drew the bow and as I came back to my cheek with the release, I saw his head come up and look straight at me. Big trouble. The buck finally decided things weren't right and left as quickly as he'd come.
A short time later, 3 shots poured out from the neighbors property. My heart sank. Then came the text with the bucks picture attached.
I have not forgiven myself for not taking the gun and killing my first deer on this property. It won't happen again.
I settled back into the tree and looked hard at the rusted piece of metal under my tree stand. Wondering how long I would have to wait for another opportunity like the one I'd just been given.
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