Kaleo Hills-Property tour

Not so much in December.

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Looks to me like you've got a really nice place going and you're in a good stage of regeneration! Plenty of summer browse/cover but it opens up a little bit during the season for better shooting. I would expect next year's growth will be even better and provide enough cover to keep them on the property through the winter months. Good luck with your plans for this year!
Looks to me like you've got a really nice place going and you're in a good stage of regeneration! Plenty of summer browse/cover but it opens up a little bit during the season for better shooting. I would expect next year's growth will be even better and provide enough cover to keep them on the property through the winter months. Good luck with your plans for this year!

Thanks pinetag, the summer regeneration is impressive. Food and cover everywhere. I was actually surprised to see how much it opened up in late December. I don't rifle hunt but you're right, the shooting opportunities with a rifle would be excellent!
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I'd like to add some spruce and pine but the natural hardwood regeneration has a head start. Might be wasting my time planting thermal protection/screening at this point.
This fish has all the characteristics of a wild stream born fish. The river I caught him in is hatchery supported. About half the fish I catch in this section are wild.

Brook trout are the only native species we have in NC, browns and rainbows were introduced a long time ago.

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he looks like a wild born brown to me! Nice pic!
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I won’t be on my property until May but this picture is too good not to share. My cousin has been checking a few cameras for me, mainly for security reasons. This spot gets a lot of deer attention. This is the first picture of a bobcat using the mineral rock although we do get quite a few pictures of them elsewhere. I'd love to find the den and put a camera on it.

It has been a pretty wet year so far, the clear cut areas should be pretty thick this summer. The cover will be welcome although we'll have so much of it that predicting deer travel may be pretty tough. Several of the neighboring properties hunt pretty hard during rifle season, I'm hoping all the hardwood regen on our side of the fence will keep a few more bucks around until maturity.
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Not sure how this one got by me. Beautiful place you have there. Like to see folks bringing the kids along, show them what we had instead of I Pads!
I planted 24 apples and crab apples from Northern Whitetail Crabs. This is my first order with them and won’t be my last. Terry provides excellent customer service and great looking trees.

I’m caging all of them and most will receive window screen on the trunk. I have plenty 60” tubes so I decided to tube some as an experiment.


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My roads were washed out pretty bad this year so I hired a neighbor to address the problem with his dozer. I seeded annual ryegrass yesterday and plan to add perennial ryegrass and white dutch clover today. Not much rain predicted until Monday but there is a reasonable chance of afternoon showers tomorrow and through the weekend. I hope the birds don’t eat it all!

The roads are pretty heavy clay but I’m really praying for good results, really need something to grow to prevent future erosion.


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Although I haven’t heard a gobble this trip I know there are a few turkeys around and decided to take a break from digging holes a few times. They aren’t even gobbling from the roost; I think someone might have captured all the toms and zip-tied their beaks shut.

I even have a trail cam picture of a long beard in my driveway the day before I arrived.


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This bed has a commanding view, from here the deer can watch my neighbor come and go from his tower stand a few hundred yards away.


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Old Tom turkey finally showed up on my last day. Unfortunately I had to finish caging, screening and watering my apple trees.

He was so fired up he’d occasionally gobble when I drove a t-post in the ground. At least he showed up to say goodbye!

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