Been a very busy time at work, haven't been able to update much, so this'll be long. Winter was pretty dry in OK (as you've probably gathered from other Okie's posts). Was going to try to slip in a Rx burn back in Feb., but the Friday I got off and made it down hoping to burn the following day, I checked and the governor had posted a burn ban for 2/3's of OK (including Pontotoc county). Couple weeks later made it down (the ban was lifted) and got a brush pile burned, cleared up a spot for some fruit and native tree plantings.
The fruit trees have mostly come on. Have one apple (that wasn't caged and got rubbed over the winter) that may not make it, really coming on slow, but everything else is looking good. Early frost might have got the pears, but had one tree that was putting on some new flowers this past weekend, so may still have something.
Didn't get it done during rifle season, so no in the field experience, but got some 300 Blackout loads put together and resighted the AR (kind of a 2-step process, the old scope I used to begin with ended up having a turret come off). Continue to be really impressed with Barnes X bullets, don't think I'll handload anything else if I can help it (X bullets on right, Remingtion open tip factory ammo on left).
Finally got a 10 acre piece that I've enrolled in a conservation easement planted with native grass. Used our own drill, dad drove while I patrolled the walkboard on the drill and served as the "manual agitator" for the seed. Seemed to work OK (although rather rough back there, with all the hog rooting, animal burrows, etc. that we were going over). Got a couple inches of rain in the 7-10 days following, so should be set up well.
Field we planted NG in had a stand of some annual winter grass. This was hit with gly a few days prior to planting. The chemical has mostly done its job.
Had a few storms down there recently. One of the things I'll need to work on before next season is to put together an A-frame or something, the old skinning tree finally went down. The drought a couple years ago killed it, but figured to keep using it until it fell.
The sawtooth oaks I planted last year all look to have made it through ok. They are all putting on new leaves now.
And started turning over the plots (picture taken while tractor in motion, sorry its blurry). Thinking of trying some new plantings this year. Chicory and milo (sorghum) are a couple I'm kicking around. Would also like to give lablab a try, although having done soybeans (both ag and grazing) before it isn't as "new".