Well I used to stalk the QDMA forum (finally joined and posted once or twice) and have followed some of the regulars from there over to here. There seems to be a pretty good OK contingent on here, and I'll add myself to the list. Our place is in south central OK, in NW Pontotoc county. Original property was bought by my folks in `02 or `03 as basically their retirement farm (dad calls it Sanity Acres). I grew up on a wheat farm in eastern CO, but attended a private HS in western OK and started college in OKC. I pretty well decided I'd stay around OK, and my sister wasn't interested in taking up the farm, either, so they decided to sell the equipment and some of the land and move down where there was actually some trees and water. Found this amazing 110 acre spot with a 12 ac (+/-, up to hundreds of acres during the last couple years floods) watershed lake. Shot some nice deer there since that time, plus try to take 2-3 does per year off as well, plus opportunities for turkeys, waterfowl, crows, squirrels, coons, and the last few years feral pigs. Neighbor north of them was looking to sell out a few years back (`08-ish), and my folks weren't interested in getting their name on more property, but said if we were interested they'd help my wife and I in purchasing it. Got a farm loan through FSA and became property owners of an 80 acre farm (JKR Ranch) that August. The 80 isn't prime wildlife habitat, but does have some desirable features, and really, other that asphalt, there's not a habitat that doesn't have at least some use for deer. The 80 has a 20+ acre ag field (yellow) that we usually have into winter wheat, but have done soybeans a couple years, a 10 acre conservation easement west of the ag that I'll be converting back to native grasses, a few farm buildings, and an overflow creek from watershed lake, with the remainder in Bermuda grass with pecan trees scattered across. The folks original 110 is mostly grown back "native" grasses (mostly broomsedge bluestem, but does have some big blue, Indian, and grama grasses), with some smaller Bermuda paddocks and then mixed oak/hickory timber with some scattered pecans. Couple of food plots across the properties (green). Besides the watershed there are two ponds on SA, and 3 on JKR, plus two seasonal creeks running into the watershed and the seasonal outflow, plus one ephemeral that comes in halfway up the west side of JKR (in the middle of that food plot).