How is the rain situation in your area?

Looks like I got between 1 - 1.5" this morning. Perfect. Predicted to have lots more through awednesdsy night, and I'll take everything I can get! Corn is at V14.
Got another 1.44" overnight with more rain to come from now through Thursday. This is exactly what we needed. Phew.
Plenty for now. A few days of 70s and sun would be awesome. We have had close to 6" in the last 2 weeks. Sat in the rain all day Friday and Saturday at our state highschool track meet .... not very enjoyable to say the least.
Well after near drought conditions in SE Bama I got a 2 ac Sunflower field planted and sprayed with Dual Magnum last Friday and we have gotten at least 4 inches since then. I doubt I will be getting much control from the herbicide but we really needed the rain. Also have about 5 acres of beans/corn that really needs a dose of Gly but its to wet to get in field even with the Ranger.
Up to 4.5-5" through last night with one more day of thunderstorms expected today. We were only expected to get 1-2" total out of this whole system, but sometimes thunderstorms pop up on the coast and we get a quick, unexpected inch. The area really needed it so I will take whatever we can get.