How is the rain situation in your area?

Blizzard Ridge

Well-Known Member
We have had over 1' of rain in some areas around me in the last 4 - 5 days. Flooding has been bad in the low areas. It is looking like it will be a couple of weeks before I can get back to the plots. It is even too wet to run the bush hog for a few days anyway. I was in the middle of busting open some new ground over the last couple of weeks and this has put a little wrench in the plans. How is the rain situation in your part of the country?
Plenty wet here in central Oklahoma. Received a little over 3" on Saturday on already saturated ground. Haven't been out there though to take a look. East central Oklahoma took the most rain with areas receiving over 7" of rain in less that 24 hours.
2.4" yesterday on farm. Strong chance for another couple inches Wednesday. A day in the life for La. Everything planted jumping up!
Tahlequah showed 7.5" logs showed us at 6.2" but I think that is low. I know we got over 3" in an hour and when this system hit we were already saturated from rains the previous week...luckily everything here is rock foundation so getting stuck isn't really something we worry about. I can drive my plots right now if I want...
Dry in the Blue Ridge in eastern WV. Very mild winter but finally have been getting some rain the past two weeks. Almost 2 inches, still need some more!
About 4-5" in the last week.....makes for a sloppy mess with the clay soils we have. Need a good week and a half of sun to get fields planted now.
Western KS has been getting some good moisture the past few weeks, got nearly half foot of snow this past weekend.
Boot I saw there was some snow out that way and into the Dakota's over the weekend. I guess I will take the rain over the snow this time of year.
Tahlequah showed 7.5" logs showed us at 6.2" but I think that is low. I know we got over 3" in an hour and when this system hit we were already saturated from rains the previous week...luckily everything here is rock foundation so getting stuck isn't really something we worry about. I can drive my plots right now if I want...

I am sure after last year you will take all the rain you can get Okie
Put 1000# of beans in the grown last week in NE MO. Kind of regretting that decision now, way too much water, no sun, and cool temps.
I know what you mean swat. I have looked at a ton of fields farmers got planted that will all need replanted. I was making fun of a few guys a couple weeks back for getting in a hurry to get into the fields. I kind of feel bad to say I told them so now. It is going to be a rough spring for the farmers in this area for sure. I am glad I have been holding off now. Those beans will have plenty of time to grow as long as I get them out before the end of June.
I know what you mean swat. I have looked at a ton of fields farmers got planted that will all need replanted. I was making fun of a few guys a couple weeks back for getting in a hurry to get into the fields. I kind of feel bad to say I told them so now. It is going to be a rough spring for the farmers in this area for sure. I am glad I have been holding off now. Those beans will have plenty of time to grow as long as I get them out before the end of June.

I know. Things never go "right." I was at the farm, 6 hours away, turkey hunting. Soil conditions and temp were perfect. As soon as I got it finished, the rain started.
We were very dry well into april but things have picked up. .75 last thurs and 2 inches last night
We are thankful and feel for the folks who had bad storms with the rain
I don't know the details. I know in my general local we had tornadoes, hail and lots of wind damage. Sheet metal ripped off barns, trees snapped and power outages to accompany the down pours of rain. Today I drove from about an hour south of Indy to Louisville, KY and then west to Evansville and Mt. Vernon IL area and then south to the "boot heel" area of MO and water.....lots and lots of water. Flooded fields, swelled streams, creeks and rivers, and it's actually come down in some areas already. I saw on my farmlogs account that I have had nearly 13" of rain already this year, with nearly an inch on the 21st and then 1.6" on 29th......we are still below our 10 year average...... I understand we need rain.....but lets spread it out a little bit!
7.5" inches Sat/Sun here at the house and another inch or two predicted for Wednesday.

Some areas of the state got 13+ inches so we were lucky.

Major flooding on the small streams and rivers - 1000's of road closures statewide!