thanks for the responses guys- some great information.
Some of the information I have noticed/gathered over the past couple years
1. We used to see 2-3 does in pictures at a time, now we are seeing 9 at a time
2. I am noticing that Ill have does on every camera at the same time, then my neighbor is telling me he has 10-12 every night as well on his cameras - which would mean we are well over 20+ does that we are seeing between our two farms (350+/- acres) at the same time.
3. I am noticing areas around the farm that have been browsed much harder then any time in the last 4-5 years.
4. Around our farm there is 0 AG. We are in timber/cow country. Part of our farm was in a big clear cut about 5 years ago. Another 300 acres next two us is just a nasty thicket and super thick brush.
5. Below one of the exclusion fences - beans from earlier this year
6. Also all my plots have/had grains in them, they are basically eaten to about the length of 3-4inchs from ground only. Many brassicas are eaten already and our gone.
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I like numbers. I don't like assumptions, but that's all we have when it comes to whitetail populations. If only we had the resources of the United States Census!
I'm going to make some assumptions and offer some assertions. You'll need to decide if they are reasonable.
Over the years, here's what I've learned.
In a mature forest you might find 3 - 9 deer per square mile. Early succession forest 12 - 20 per square mile. Mix that with some cropland and you might end up with 30+ deer per square mile. Lots of people talk about 50 and maybe even a hundred. Maybe, but I think we either overestimate population when we see lots of deer and underestimate when we see too few.
I don't know what your habitat is like, but let's assume a decent supportable population n your area is 25 to 30.
So, just accepting your numbers as gospel....20 does on 350 acres might put the population at something like 40 does per square mile (640 acres). Buck to doe ratio? It sounds like yours might be out of wack? Just for kicks and giggles let's assume its 4:1. So you have 10 bucks plus 40 does and we'll assume that's at the end of the hunting season. Now those 40 does will have 1.34 fawns reduced to 0.98 that survive. By summer your population is 40 does, 38 fawns, and 10 bucks assuming no other tragedies befall the population.
How many deer do you need to kill to keep the population at 50?
Pretty simple. Something around 40?
Here come the tragedies. About 10 or 11 are going to die of disease, poaching, old age, car - deer collisions, and other dangers unrelated to hunting. Now we have 30 to kill. Some of the youngsters are going to get pushed off into new territory and given your perceived population there won't be many getting pushed in. Lets say 8 yearling bucks get told to get lost. Now we target 22 (30 - 8).
Here comes the deer season. It seems reasonable to me that this one square mile area has 22 too many deer - 77 in total. And I'm thinking the idea of 50 deer per square mile is destructive to habitat.
You have half the acreage in my fantasy square mile. Seems to me you could drop 10 - 15 and not hurt yourself....unless the neighbors are killing 30 or 40.
Anyhow, use what you think are reasonable numbers and build your own fantasy!
And I welcome discussion and dissention!