Herbicide timing


Well-Known Member
I’d like to kill some younger (8” dbh) poplar trees that surround a .25 acre plot I added in March. What are my options?

Is it too late to hack/squirt or drill/gly?

I don’t mind felling the trees but don’t really want to mess with sawing them up and moving them where I want them right now. I only make it out to the property a few times a year and try to be as efficient as possible.

Option c: don’t mess with this project until I have more time ~4 years. I’m not concerned with growing the best crop in the country. Just want to ensure I give my crop a fighting chance against shade tolerant weeds and ground cover.

Cleared in March, 200 pounds of pelletized lime and WW/MRC (30/2 pounds respectively) broadcasted at that time.

NC, zone 6b, 3100’ elevation

First picture looking SE, second looking NW.



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1/3 Triclopyr & 2/3 diesel fuel, basal bark spray from soil to 1 foot high on all sides of tree should kill 4-8" poplar any time of year. 8" diameter will get a good kill on smooth bark trees, not a good kill on 8" rough bark trees. If you want to make sure, hack the bark a little before spraying. Glyphosate should also work anytime of the year, but you will need more work, such as hacking or drilling to get a good kill on such big trees. Spend the money on triclopyr, save some of your valuable time.
1/3 Triclopyr & 2/3 diesel fuel, basal bark spray from soil to 1 foot high on all sides of tree should kill 4-8" poplar any time of year. 8" diameter will get a good kill on smooth bark trees, not a good kill on 8" rough bark trees. If you want to make sure, hack the bark a little before spraying. Glyphosate should also work anytime of the year, but you will need more work, such as hacking or drilling to get a good kill on such big trees. Spend the money on triclopyr, save some of your valuable time.
Larger trees are you hacking/drilling? Does your tx affect adjacent plants?
Larger trees are you hacking/drilling? Does your tx affect adjacent plants?
Triclopyr neutralizes quickly in soil, I've not seen effects on adjacent plants if they weren't hit with overspray. The bark texture is critical in the size trees that you can kill without cutting, locust trees are much harder to kill due to their rough bark.
Plots looking pretty good so far. Plenty of sunlight without leaves on the trees.



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My plot extensions are very weedy. I may have to nuke it. Just need to decide if I want to nuke it before adding BW in June or wait until September. Got some beautiful MF rose mixed in. Anyone know what the yellow flowers are?




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