Iron weed and Jerusalem Artichoke look really similar.reminds me of ironweed
The OP needs to post some pics in flower stage.Certainly possible, looks very similar to ironweed and wingstem. Probably one of those three.
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If its artichoke, I haven't had good luck with gly. I've had as good as can be expected results with Clopyralid3, which I bought for canada thistle. IME, Artichoke is difficult to eradicate. It will take some diligence to get it under control. I really can't say exactly when the best time is to spray artichoke...either late spring after plants have emerged or just before flower stage?? I'm not sure. I kill it when time allows me to get to it.So the million dollar question. What's the best time to spray whatever this is? Can it be controlled with Gly or do I need something fancy? I'm not even sure this specific plant was out of the ground at all the first week in May (see picture). Late starter but pretty much takes over this little area once it gets going.
I determined that it was JA by the yellow flowers. Is it possible that I misidentified it? I guess I need to look for tubers. This stuff doesn't pull easily...tough roots.Tap, you absolutely sure that's JA?? JA has a very hairy stem. Also all the lower leaves on a JA are opposite and become alternate as you get near top. Yank one of them up and check for a tuber.