God's Little Acre Land Tour

I’m going to update my property tour, starting with the barn rehab I did 4 years ago. I hired 2 Amish guys and worked side by side with them for 3.5 weeks. Since then we’ve become very good friends.
I had a very serious issue with the foundation on one side due to poor drainage. We jacked up and blocked that side and I used my excavator to tear out the crumbling foundation. We poured concrete and made it right. We also replaced rotten boards and windows as needed. I also installed drain tile on that side and buttoned it up.
Up into the loft we went and ran cables from side to side for good measure. I was nervous during that evolution as we had a LOT of strain on the come alongs!
Once we were all finished, I rented a lift and put a coat of paint on the old girl.
Funny story.....I told my wife I was going to paint our name and the year the farm was established as the finishing touch. She got kind of quiet and was very non committal about. I didn’t push it at that point, because I was trying to figure out why she was hesitating. I approached her the next day about it again and she confessed to seeing a barn quilt she knew I’d like and she was going to surprise me with it. Oops!

We got it and a couple buddies helped me bolt it up. It’s 11’ from point to point. I’m very blessed to have Geri as my wife!













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Well, God’s Little Acre is being sold. The farmer we lease to is buying 107 acres, and the other 6 acres will go with the house, barn, and outbuildings. The good news is that my stepson and I have obtained exclusive hunting rights :-). More good news is that we’ll now be living on the St Lawrence River enjoying this view.350F34AA-8FA1-4318-9BD9-DB0C293AA86E.jpeg