God's Little Acre Land Tour

Some beautiful land you have there, The July 30 pics of the deer are great....beautiful colors, Oh and nice deer too. I always like a picture of a deer in a soy bean patch with some vine hanging out the mouth. I have a picture in mind that is similar.....but it was one of the cows that broke into my land last year, and had one of my newly planted persimmons hanging out her mouth!
Some beautiful land you have there, The July 30 pics of the deer are great....beautiful colors, Oh and nice deer too. I always like a picture of a deer in a soy bean patch with some vine hanging out the mouth. I have a picture in mind that is similar.....but it was one of the cows that broke into my land last year, and had one of my newly planted persimmons hanging out her mouth!
Cow was doing you a favor lak...;)
Your place looks great! I have noticed those buckeye cams sure do give off some vibrant colors in their pictures. Plenty of quality food for the deer looks like.
image.jpeg We have had VERY little rain this summer. This brassica plot is starting slower than the other two. 1.5 - 2.0 inches of rain in the forecast today and tomorrow. 250 pounds of urea spread this morning. C'mon rain!!!
Beautiful property! You have some great looking bucks and looks like plenty of food for them. Those brassicas should take off with the urea and some rain.
This is a Wisconsin Weeping Willow that John at Big Rock Trees sent me for free when I placed an order. Hard to believe this was a 3" tall cutting sitting in my window sill 5 years ago!

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Beautiful property! You have some great looking bucks and looks like plenty of food for them. Those brassicas should take off with the urea and some rain.

Thanks Fly.....I believe they should explode now. Forecast calls for an inch of rain Tuesday.....hope they're right.
Smsmith/Stu sent me a Wisconsin Weeping Willow in 2008. From that willow I've grown about a dozen others. I have willow whips growing around my pond now, and they'll be small trees next year. I prune mine to a single trunk.
Smsmith/Stu sent me a Wisconsin Weeping Willow in 2008. From that willow I've grown about a dozen others. I have willow whips growing around my pond now, and they'll be small trees next year. I prune mine to a single trunk.

I've got a couple smaller ones growing, maybe I'll try pruning them to a single trunk.
Tom, I don't know about weeping willows but some willows really hinge in grand fashion. The one on my property hinged ten or fifteeen years ago now has 50 stems ready to be hinged themselves. It is about 60 ft. square now. I hinged it close to ground level.
Seeing these plots started is getting me antsy! Can't do anything because it never rains here :(

Looks great and I hope you get the rain to get your fertilizer in the ground!
Thanks for the tip Dave. I don't want to hinge the weeping willows, but I have hinged some of the hybrids....they take right off.
The soybeans are getting pounded, but have pods.....

The Egyptian wheat and sorghum screen is coming in nicely after the urea and some rain.