It is a little ways away, but a few years ago a team from Texas Tech were doing a study near Raton, NM. Those deer had green ear tags similar to Geo's, but they all also had collars. Interesting.
Most likely another study but these animals do a good bit of traveling in their migrations. I believe that the radio collars are designed to eventually fall off.
"What is with the ear tag? Research?
Think it is an old brookie."
I have learned of a few different studies done on mule deer in these western states. Mule deer aren't doing very well. 20% are said to die annually in Colorado due to cwd. South west Colorado is the only part of Colorado that doesn't have cwd. My observation thus far would indicate that mule deer are doing pretty well around here.
Good call on the brookie. I went to town yesterday for a San Juan worm and a couple of egg patterns and some answers. No conspiracy, there are 4 fish species that live in the res and river above, brook, bow, cut, and kokanee. The brook and the kokanee are the anadromous fish. Guy said that brookie may be 5 or 6 or 9 years old.
Color in the oak has peaked.
7 acres of food plot would probably be sufficient here too.
6 cord by measured volume.