Reading this older thread, I had a couple thoughts. Those of you contemplating electric saws need to check out the Greenworks saws. I have a good Husky for felling and cutting firewood, but my smaller limbing saw has seen better days so I bought a Greenworks battery powered to replace it. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how much power it actually has and after using it a few times I bought their pole saw also. Both are much cheaper than running a gas saw, much lighter too (even though the pole saw is longer), to say nothing of the lack of noise. It's also designed better on the chain end and doesn't pinch nearly as much as my Stihl pole saw. The Stihl is straight with the pole and the Greenworks is at an angle. The only complaint from me is the smallish oil reservoir. It fairly whistles through limb trimming, has three sections so that you don't always have to use it at its full length and they both use the same battery, so whatever I'm doing, I have a reserve battery. Li-ion batteries, last long and charge quickly. I'm sold on the New Green(works), uh Saw !
Oh, and tooless chain tightening on the regular saw, just a screwdriver on the pole saw !