Triple C
Well-Known Member
Celebrated Father's Day yesterday at the farm and settled on a gluttony of pork for the meal. Before I get to the cook, here's a shout out to all the dads on the DHF! No more important role in a man's life than that of being a father. Now...on to the cook.
Stopped by the local grocery store an picked up a 6.5 lb butt and nice rack of baby backs.
Used a concoction for the rub. Rubbed the butt in yellow sweet mustard which is just old fashion French's with brown sugar. Mustard helps the rub stick to the butt.
Fired the Traegar up bout 5:45 a.m. and set temp to 185. Avg temp on my Traeger set at 185 runs closer to 200, particularly on a warm day. Had plenty of time so I wanted to do a slow, slow cook. Got the butt on the grill at 6:00.
Let butt smoke for 6 hrs averaging bout 200 degrees. Spritzed it with apple juice about every hour. Then wrapped in foil with a little more apple juice and went for another 3 hrs. Pulled it about 3:45 when internal temp reached 198 and let it rest wrapped in foil for bout 1.5 hrs.
This was after 6 hrs and ready to be wrapped in foil.
Threw the ribs on 3 hrs after the butt had started. Rubbed in Cabela's Kansas City rub. Let them go for 4 hrs at 200 degrees. Then wrapped in foil for 2 hrs. Took em out of foil and let em go naked for another hour hitting them a couple of times the last hour with some fantastic sauce - Mudd Sauce. Next time you cook ribs try this stuff. Just the right amount of heat with a little sweetness and tartness. This was a few minutes before I took them off.
Added green beans, slaw, grilling beans and chips for sides. Pretty good eating! Crew left with a whole bunch of left overs for the next couple of days.
Happy Father's Day!!!
Stopped by the local grocery store an picked up a 6.5 lb butt and nice rack of baby backs.

Used a concoction for the rub. Rubbed the butt in yellow sweet mustard which is just old fashion French's with brown sugar. Mustard helps the rub stick to the butt.

Fired the Traegar up bout 5:45 a.m. and set temp to 185. Avg temp on my Traeger set at 185 runs closer to 200, particularly on a warm day. Had plenty of time so I wanted to do a slow, slow cook. Got the butt on the grill at 6:00.

Let butt smoke for 6 hrs averaging bout 200 degrees. Spritzed it with apple juice about every hour. Then wrapped in foil with a little more apple juice and went for another 3 hrs. Pulled it about 3:45 when internal temp reached 198 and let it rest wrapped in foil for bout 1.5 hrs.

This was after 6 hrs and ready to be wrapped in foil.

Threw the ribs on 3 hrs after the butt had started. Rubbed in Cabela's Kansas City rub. Let them go for 4 hrs at 200 degrees. Then wrapped in foil for 2 hrs. Took em out of foil and let em go naked for another hour hitting them a couple of times the last hour with some fantastic sauce - Mudd Sauce. Next time you cook ribs try this stuff. Just the right amount of heat with a little sweetness and tartness. This was a few minutes before I took them off.

Added green beans, slaw, grilling beans and chips for sides. Pretty good eating! Crew left with a whole bunch of left overs for the next couple of days.

Happy Father's Day!!!