Well-Known Member
When we bought the farm in 2002, there wasn't a tree on it from a clear-cutting operation in 2001, except for the SMZ's around the two small creeks. Though there were turkeys on properties surrounding us, we were devoid of them. Since we bought the farm to manage for deer hunting, however, this didn't concern us. Over the years as the clearcut regenerated, small game and deer flourished until about 6 years ago once the canopy closed and undergrowth died out. Then small game numbers dropped but a few turkey sightings were made. Slowly over the past few years we've gotten sporadic nesting by hens and raising of a few poults around food plots. About the time the canopy closed I started taking my buddy Kent Kammermeyer's and Dr. Grant Woods' advice on trying to manage a little for turkeys by burning, manipulating plots and openings, and by controlling predator numbers. Late last summer a group of five longbeards started hanging out regularly. They disappeared about the middle of November, but two showed up in April and started being regulars, hanging out where a couple hens had took up residence near a food plot. So, on April 11, I thought I'd try to kill the first turkey ever killed on the farm. It was also the first time I had ever turkey hunted solo, and did my own calling. Worked.