Experience growing Persimmons and/or chestnuts in Zone 3


I keep reading and reading about the advantages of persimmons and chestnuts, but most of the folks sharing their experience and love for these two types of trees are in the middle of the country or south. I am looking for feedback for anyone that has attempted and possibly succeed with growing persimmons or chestnuts as far north as Zone 3 (Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, etc.). I have stumbled and failed with my habitat projects over the years, but ready to take another gamble. I would love tips on growing, nurseries where you have purchased, grown from nuts/seeds, or just straight up can't be done, etc.
I have purchased crab apples, pear and apple trees from Morse Nursery in Michigan, and have had decent luck with their seedlings. I know they have both "hardy" chestnuts and persimmons at $6.50 a seedling. A little more than the $.80 persimmons that MDC offers.
Give me your thoughts and I appreciate your time on the matter.
I tried numerous times growing dunstans in zone 4b and they have major dieback every single year and this year they completely died. I know chinese is suppose to do better in cold but I gave up on chestnuts.
I may be wrong but I don't think you will have much luck with persimmons in your zone. I know many members of the QDMA forum tried with persimmons in the North with no luck. I traded some Okie persimmon scions for some Florida persimmon scions just to get some genetic diversity. Grafted them early spring and they took off like crazy but did not survive my Oklahoma winter. The Okie scions he grafted in Florida did great. So if you find some persimmons you need to find some that have had success in your zone.

good luck
Agree with Doc. I think your only chance is connecting with someone growing them successfully in your zone and use that seed. And i dont know if that can happen.
seek the opinion of experience in your zone and learn from their lessons/failures before you begin

i killed a lotta trees before i found some one in my zone( GraceNmercy zone 8b) who i could learn from

I appreciate the feedback, and I have come to the conclusion that Chestnuts or Persimmons may never be plentiful in Central MN. I will continue to try to find someone that tells me it can be done.

Be sure you read EastBethel's thread right next to this thread. He has identified some good prospects on the chestnuts.

I believe you will have better luck with chestnuts than persimmons. Get in touch with the RedFern folks.

Good luck.
I always forget that central MN is basically Northern Wisconsin....Where I am at in West Central Wisconsin is basically Southern MN.