Dolgo crabapple

Tom Naumcheff

New Member
Back in early '16 I posted on the old qdma website a question about getting dolgo crabapple trees in or close by Indiana. I got a good response from somebody in western Indiana (near Terre Haute I believe ) but I wasn't able to get to planting anything at the time and lost the info from the response when they shut down the site. Anyway I'm putting the question out there again regarding dolgo crabapple trees in Indiana. If anyone knows of somewhere I can get them please let me know. I'd prefer more mature trees, not seedlings. Thanks.
Tough time to try to find one on the online nurseries as most are sent out bare root and ordered in the fall. It's also not a tree you find at the local nurseries or box stores - or at least I have never seen one and I visit a lot of local nurseries. I ordered my dolgo from Willis Nursery and it has done well. It's been in the ground for 4 years and has flowered the last 2 but early springs and late freezes have left me with no fruit. I have since grafted several scions off this one tree on seedlings I started from seed. Good luck finding one but it may be next fall before you can get one ordered.
Thanks Doc. I'm not surprised, they are tough to find locally. I'll put that on my list for the fall and plant some dunstans this spring