Doe only talk again?


Active Member
Its been noticeably quiet on the talk about doe only in Waupaca county this spring

The DNR came out with a new link on their web site -deer metrics. I found this chart. Essentially says the over winter population has doubled in the county since '08

Now I think it's hogwash but this has to be what they are looking at pushing doe only.

That trend line, if true, is not sustainable - I wonder if there will be any drama this spring?
Doe only would be great. Sharp shooters not so much

Can you imagine adding one year to the buck class!!!!!

You know anything for fact Tom or just kidding?
I'm not from your area and I don't understand your situation, but I sense your distress(?). Rather than hijack your thread, I'm going to start another thread and share some of my state's numbers, questions, distress.
Doe only would be great. Sharp shooters not so much

Can you imagine adding one year to the buck class!!!!!

You know anything for fact Tom or just kidding?
It is on the table. NRB was not happy with Waupaca county CDAC decision of maintain status when CDAC was formed a couple years ago. As your chart shows the population is not being maintained but increasing at a very fast rate. Part of the process when the NRB granted the CDAC the power of goal setting of deer harvest numbers was that if CDAC's didn't get their job done was that the NRB could step in and use their power to override the CDAC to bring the deer numbers to goal. The only tools they have are doe only and sharp shooters. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going to happen when they look at that chart.
I've got about the deer population I'd like to have. In some parts of the county there are a lot more. If we do doe only I'll maintain the level and protect bucks and look forward to '18 season

I cant imagine sharp shooters being able to access private lands? Do you know the law Tom?
I've got about the deer population I'd like to have. In some parts of the county there are a lot more. If we do doe only I'll maintain the level and protect bucks and look forward to '18 season

I cant imagine sharp shooters being able to access private lands? Do you know the law Tom?
DNR or any one commissioned by DNR can enter any land that they want in doing their duties.
The Indian spearing uprising in the '80's will be nothing compared to entering private land and shooting deer. I can't imagine.

One way to avoid that happening is to start shooting does and not stockpiling them. The land owners of Waupaca county can not keep on denying that there are to many deer in the county. There isn't a 40 acre piece of property in Waupaca county that you could shoot a couple does without effecting your hunting the following year. If this was done Waupaca county would not even reduce numbers but would maintain the numbers that they have.
Why don't they do this as a volunteer program? That way the ones who want it will get the help they need. I bet there are not many landowners who want less deer on their property

Big Govt telling the people what's best for them and threatening them if they don't do xyz

Not good. Not good at all
They have not threatened you. They gave your County CDAC and the hunters in Waupaca county 2 years of free reign. You guys have had 2 years to be good land managers, instead the hunters of Waupaca county have chosen greed and have made no attempt to keep the deer numbers at a maintain status. Sort of like the speed limit, they give you 5 to 10 mph with out penalizing you, but when you start getting in the 20 to 30 mph over the limit, they come down hard on you. Keep telling yourself that there aren't too many deer and then complain and worry when they force something on you. You need to go to a well managed ranch in South Texas, they don't stock pile does they manage their land for optimum carrying capacity with a good doe to buck ratio. Don't confuse optimum with maximum. With your thinking and the denial of most deer hunters in Waupaca that you don't have too many deer the NRB should bring the hammer down. Maybe you guys will wake up then.
You have to knock those numbers down...if you have to put up a "deer" fence to keep deer out of sections of your woods to get regen then you should realize the population is too high...

Shoot some does! Invite friends to shoot some does! Bucks will still be around and you may be surprised at the growth the bucks get when they get a chance to browse...
Deer are in pockets. The people want a high population in this county. I am all for anyone doing what they want on their property but forcing it on private land owners??

I've been on parcels in Pike County that 2-3x Waupaca, hunted IA where there was at least 2x Waupaca and seem the milk river hunts on Tv, 3-4x Waupaca county.

The people are for the most part happy in Waupaca county. Other areas shot their does in WI and now they complain because they don't have deer. We've seen this movie and it doesn't end well

No way I am going to lay the hammer on the does. In our block (immediate neighbors and myself) we took between 30-40 that's enough.
Bull, the thing you don't understand is they are not your deer...they belong to the state which means the state determines population goal...

Do you have a deer proof fence to keep deer out of an area on your property so you can have regen?
Yes. I understand that. I'd also understand they should do something if the deer were creating public harm. I don't put not regening oaks as a public problem. The state is full of oaks and there is no risk of them disappearing.

The govt should work for the people. The people in Waupaca want deer including me. Why do you think they don't shoot the does the Dnr wants
Deer are in pockets. The people want a high population in this county. I am all for anyone doing what they want on their property but forcing it on private land owners??

I've been on parcels in Pike County that 2-3x Waupaca, hunted IA where there was at least 2x Waupaca and seem the milk river hunts on Tv, 3-4x Waupaca county.

The people are for the most part happy in Waupaca county. Other areas shot their does in WI and now they complain because they don't have deer. We've seen this movie and it doesn't end well

No way I am going to lay the hammer on the does. In our block (immediate neighbors and myself) we took between 30-40 that's enough.
Just because you saw high deer numbers in another state or saw it on TV which is highly edited to make perspective hunters want to come there doesn't make it right. As far as the 30 to 40 does you and your neighbors shot well in another post on this forum you, stated that you had layed off shooting does, which is it? Is it getting hard to remember what you say?
Yes. I understand that. I'd also understand they should do something if the deer were creating public harm. I don't put not regening oaks as a public problem. The state is full of oaks and there is no risk of them disappearing.

The govt should work for the people. The people in Waupaca want deer including me. Why do you think they don't shoot the does the Dnr wants
You have more deer than any other county in Wisconsin. Now you are sounding stupid or are you trolling again.
We shot 4 but my neighbors pound them. I like it that way.

Shooting does puts pressure on the property

The more I think about it on hunts in Al, MS and TX I've seen more deer than hunting my farm. I saw 13 buck in free range TX one one afternoon. 50+ deer

If you guys owned land in Waupaca county and had skin in the game you would have a different opinion. I know about 2-3 land owners who have serious issues. Very few. I know more who hardly see deer. Heck we hardly have crop damage tags. That should tell you a lot.
Tom you see very naive. Ever think the DNR data is wrong?

Deer are in pockets. You have to be a knucklehead to think every parcel is over run in Waupaca county