Bingo! I was gonna start another thread on the state of deer management at the state level. I didn't but, after reading a couple posts here I went and read the WI 'Trustees(?) report. It was very critical of the models and data used to establish population estimates and harvest policy. I'm ignorant of the WI issues. However, after reading the report it sounds credible and much like what I perceive of the situation in my state.
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Deer Hunter Forum[/QUOT
I bet Tom's set up is in the top quartile of properties in Langlade county. Mine is in the middle of Waupaca and we have similar deer numbers as defined by how many deer seen per sit
I don't own the deer but do own the trees. I don't have any major heartburn over the current regen I have from the deer. If I did I'd shoot more.
We need laws that allow private land owners the flexibility to manage the deer population to their desires - not the boys in Madison determining what's best for us
The public outcry from the no doe season idea tells you all you need
Let the guys with too many deer- to their desire -should have access to free crop (woods) damage tags and let them shoot deer from Sept-Dec with rifles like farmers can.
Problem solved