Depending on your deer density, it won't make much difference which pea you plant, or what time of year. If you have more than 10-12 DPSM, or you have little ag in your area, every single plant will be gone long before the first frost. Like many others, I have stopped including the expensive AWP's in my established fall food plots. The deer in my area know where the food is, and have essentially no better option in the area, so my plots get hammered, with or without peas in them. If this will be a brand new food plot location this fall, including actual AWP's will absolutely attract deer and get them used to the idea of feeding in your plot. If it's an established plot, and it's less than 3-4 acres in size, the value of peas is dubious, in my experience. Deer ALWAYS eat dessert first...and that's what peas represent in a food plot. Just know that they'll almost certainly be long gone before the first day of archery season rolls around.