Well-Known Member

Friday was Veteran's Day. My father, like many southern boys, lied about his age to get into the service in World War II. He served in the Navy.
Deer season has been slow for the most part. I am on a Kentucky Lease and no deer have been harvested yet, until Veteran's Day.
I worked in Hawkins County, TN on Election Day for a voting machine company as election day support. I served 25 years in the election business with the last ten being in the state election office.
So I was very weary from the travel and extremely long Tuesday. I traveled on Wednesday and rested all day on Thursday.
I got up at 4 AM Friday morning and traveled to Butler County, KY but arrived too late. Daylight had already occurred. I got in the stand and was hopeful for the last day of bow season. I had all of my gun season stuff with me on the trip.
Long story short - the hunting gods gave me a chance. At 7:20 AM I saw a deer in a ravine about 70 yards west of my stand. Within 3 or 4 seconds, I knew it was a racked buck.
His nose on the ground. I attempted to call him with a grunt call - but no luck.
He worked away from up a finger to the west. Again I attempted to call him. Finally after about 3 minutes I hung my cross bow back on the bow hanger.
I believed he had committed to another ridge. About 2 or 3 minutes later I heard him. I quickly determined he was coming onto my finger. He was just walking along slowly.
He gave me a nice 26 yard broadside shot. It was a step angle. My bolt caught him in the spine and exited the lung on the opposite side.
His reaction was to jump roll over downhill with four legs in the air. He was down. I quickly got my cross bow on the pull rope with my hip quiver and got down from the 20 foot hang on.
By the time I got down to him, he was almost done. I put a second arrow in the boiler room. The exit hole on the first bolt and the entry hole on the 2nd bolt were slightly over an inch apart.
My son and our friend later helped me get the deer out.
He was a good 9 pointer. I am pleased with this buck.
My son took the photo below.
My dad gave me the chance to hunt when I was 12 years old. In 1965 if you saw a deer in Middle TN, it was big news. I have to say deer hunting has brought me more joy than sports has. I was an active athlete when I was younger. But deer hunting is some I have enjoyed for 41 years with my dad (lost him in '93), my son, my grandson and my granddaughter.
Thank you dad . This deer is in your memory.
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