Always showing off Native. Very nice.
But anyone can grow it in the summer. I’ll see your barn and raise you a bow. Lol
And yes give me clover over anything. So cheap and easy and hard to beat the benefits.
Summer is the only time I cant grow it. Rare summer when my clover makes it through July. Aug and Sep the dead season here. I plant beans in the spring to make sure of having some kind of food growing late summer.
what is the preferred method of turning the corner from late summer to fall with a perennial clover plot? specifically regarding how to get a nurse crop of grain into standing clover and adding some annual clovers to it. do y'all add annual clovers/grains in September? are you simply broadcasting the two in? are you simply relying on reseeding from last springs annuals? do you add any additional perennial clover in small amounts to supplement the future years?
Summer is the only time I cant grow it. Rare summer when my clover makes it through July. Aug and Sep the dead season here. I plant beans in the spring to make sure of having some kind of food growing late summer.
what is the preferred method of turning the corner from late summer to fall with a perennial clover plot? specifically regarding how to get a nurse crop of grain into standing clover and adding some annual clovers to it. do y'all add annual clovers/grains in September? are you simply broadcasting the two in? are you simply relying on reseeding from last springs annuals? do you add any additional perennial clover in small amounts to supplement the future years?
I'm no expert but this is what I do. Typically I mow 2-3 times a year at 6 inches to keep weeds at bay and seems clover likes the haircut. I overseed in my area WR and RC/WC sometime in Sept as weather cools but before current clover rebounds from Aug drought and it is thin. I sometimes throw 0-20-20 fert in spring and/or fall. I also occasionally spray Cleth to kill grasses but not too much of a herbicide manpersonally. And while clovers are pretty forgiving, they do like a ph of 6. I don't keep too much of a monoculture plot anymore and kinda let the grasses and weeds have their day to an extent. Ladino and reds are my go to clovers. Cheap and perform well for my area.
what is the preferred method of turning the corner from late summer to fall with a perennial clover plot? specifically regarding how to get a nurse crop of grain into standing clover and adding some annual clovers to it. do y'all add annual clovers/grains in September? are you simply broadcasting the two in? are you simply relying on reseeding from last springs annuals? do you add any additional perennial clover in small amounts to supplement the future years?
I just broadcast my grains into the clover. I plant my annual clovers the same way. I am more of a throw n mow guy but I did get me a tractor and some equipment and I am working on getting a lot of new areas planted this year. down here we do our fall planting the first week of October. But if you have a stand of perennial clover you won't need a nurse crop. a lot of times I will just add my grains around the edges where it is thinner, I will also add some daikon radishes also.