Chicory Novice Question


Well-Known Member
I'll be planting chicory for the first time this year. A small portion will go into a couple small plots with traditional tilling -- last fall's brassica plots. I'm not concerned about that part. What I was wondering was when to throw the chicory into the established clover plots in my throw and mow areas? I haven't yet seen the chicory seed, is it small like clover? Can it be frost seeded in late winter? Or do I throw it with my cereals this fall and hope for the best? I plan to mow the clover, weeds, Johnson grass in the pots very low after broadcasting next month.
My frost seeding has not worked. Not sure why I’d absolutely add to clover plots ASAP. All my chicory planting is mixed with clover/grain and planted Labor Day. Seed is very fine, not round like clover.
My frost seeding has not worked. Not sure why I’d absolutely add to clover plots ASAP. All my chicory planting is mixed with clover/grain and planted Labor Day. Seed is very fine, not round like clover.

Thanks for the info -- I'll plan to broadcast it with the cereals, peas, and radish next month. I'll prolly frost seed some clover this late winter too, just to ensure another good stand. I can buy red and ladino clover locally in bulk and cheap. We plant fall plots the middle of September this far south. I am putting in some brassicas tomorrow and some around here would say that's a few days too early. According to the forecast, it won't get rain to germinate for a while anyway though.
I usually plant chicory with my white clover if I want it as an added attractant. The first year I ever planted I did plant some in the early summer by itself in the woods in some planted pines and it grew pretty good but I had no clue what I was doing and ph was horrible and it did not come back the next year and died out. I have added it in the fall to my existing clover plots by just throwing it in them in the thin spots to help fill some voids and it has done fine.
frost seeding chicory has worked well for me. I just mix the seed with clover seed and broadcast it. Got a great stand this spring with what i frost seeded this past winter.
Just FYI, I like getting chicory from Pennington seed because they cost the seed which makes it easier to spread and see.
I plant my chicory around September 15th here in S. C. When I mix it with greens and clover, I mix it up with a bag of lime. That helps me get an even distribution of my seed.
I usually default to Whitetail Institute Fusion, three white clovers and chicory in a blend. I don’t know that I would use it if I were planting large areas though, it would get pretty pricey.
I usually default to Whitetail Institute Fusion, three white clovers and chicory in a blend. I don’t know that I would use it if I were planting large areas though, it would get pretty pricey.

I ordered chicory, for later planting with cereals, from welter seed, along with ground hog forage radish and dwarf essex rape for our brassica plot. I did't think it was too outrageously priced. I get all of our clover locally in bulk.
We used to plant Commander Chicory from Barenbrung Seeds in 25 lb bags, early spring or early fall has done well for us. Our deer eat it, but don't seem to prefer it above any other crop, so we have not been putting out as much anymore. Commander persists well when mixed into clover stands, continuing to show up for many years after planting.
I ordered chicory, for later planting with cereals, from welter seed, along with ground hog forage radish and dwarf essex rape for our brassica plot. I did't think it was too outrageously priced. I get all of our clover locally in bulk.

I was speaking of the WI brand name Fusion. All my clover plots are small, so it doesn’t cost much as the seed goes pretty far, but if I were planting a large area I imagine I would source my seeds differently.