Buck harvest up 30% in northern WI


Active Member
Anyone see Dean Bortz editorial in last weeks WON?

It was about how people don't understand how the buck kill could have increased 30% with such poor conditions and so few deer. He hinted of games with phantom deer being registered with the new electronic system - this will be interesting to watch
We are also in Wisconsin and I'm not sure how well I like the online registration of deer. Seems to me some folks would have a harder time facing guilt being a poached deer into a gas station/bar with the possibility of seeing a warden or official there when now you can do it behind you laptop/iPhone.

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I was a big fan of the idea. Makes my life easier not driving the deer to a bar. Waste of 30-45 minutes and is another step. The way it is now I can skip gutting the deer and have the deer meat cooling in less time than screwing around with registration

Huge problem if guys play with this. The DNR is has lost a yard stick on the deer kill!!!!
About the only good thing me & the wife liked was the time savings bringing it into town etc.

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There's a reason the deer kill was down this year and it ain't because less deer were shot statewide....... just saying. People predicted this would happen.