BP - Property Tour




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Certainly wasn't rigged on purpose. I held it in front of me and took the pic. Was trying to touch it as little as necessary.

Got a doe tonight. Saw 8 bucks, a doe, and a fawn. Shot the doe.
Loved the 5 wheeler. Brings back memories. Bet that's been around a while. Cool burn. Always like your thread and its unique stuff.
That 5 wheeler is 28 years old I think. I wish I knew how many deer had been carried in the back of it.

It's in pretty rough shape, but luckily I have a friend who can fix pretty much anything.
Been busy over the last few months but never think to update this thread.

Got all sorts of stuff accomplished today. My 7 acres of corn is coming in great. Once I knocked out the nutsedge with Permit at 1 1/3 oz per acre it really took off. Top dressing with 350 lb/ac of 34-0-0-7 a few hours before an inch of rain last week helped as well.

This is 4 acre:


This is .4 acre back in the woods:


I sprayed a waterhole that has been taken over by water hyacinth with aquatic RoundUp. I also sprayed ditches and around structures to keep the weeds under control.

It looked like lots of my arrowleaf clover has started to flower. Rye is basically dead, crimson clover has already flowered and is almost dead, so arrowleaf is bulk of remaining fall planted mixes. Soon I will no till 6 acres of cowpeas, sunflowers, and Dunn hemp. In the meantime I will pray for rain!

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My rye and clover is done also. I hope to cut it pretty soon and get the buckwheat, sunflower and chickory down. We had more deer in the backyard plot than ever since the rye is so high. The wife is worried they won't be out there after I cut and replant. She loves to sit and watch them in the back yard. The doe are fat and healthy right now. I haven't had any bucks during daylight that I have seen yet.

That no till sure seems to be working out good for you cut. Corn looks great.
Looks great! Yes it has been a busy spring. Lots of good things happening and updating around here keeps falling further behind.

Keep up the good work Cutman!

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The corn is looking great. I love that in my garden too though my wife gripes about my field corn. That's what we ate when I was a kid. The first time I saw sweet corn growing I thought something was wrong with it.

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This is the biggest waterhole in the property. I'm trying to reclaim it after my dad released some water hyacinth into it years ago. I sprayed 16 oz aquatic glyphosate with 8 oz crop oil in 10 gallons of water last week. Looks like it's working.


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The corn is looking great. I love that in my garden too though my wife gripes about my field corn. That's what we ate when I was a kid. The first time I saw sweet corn growing I thought something was wrong with it.

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Nothing wrong with field corn. I stop every year on the way to work when the field corn is right and eat an ear raw. I kinda take note of when each farmer plants so I can adjust my route to get perfect corn every day for a couple weeks. :D