Bur oaks grow some big acorns at times. Not all of them do, but in general a bur oak produces the biggest acorn I am aware of. They are a white oak as well so they can produce every year. That one you have there appears to be a real nice one. I have seen some the size of a golf ball before. Collect some of those and plant them!
That is actually pretty common size which is crazy! I planted a bunch that size last fall and now most are 3-4ft. Channel lock pliers make getting the caps off a breeze. Good luck and great find. I will never forget seeing my first big but acorn and thinking holy crap!
If I get home in the daylight tonight I'll take more pics of leafs and acorns. Start an oak ID thread and maybe someone on here can give some positive id's or opinions.
It is extremely likely both of the acorns displayed on this thread are from Bur Oaks; the only other member of the white oak family that resembles a bur Oak (in size, shape and cap covering) is the Overcup Oak. The cup (cupule) on an Overcup Oak usually covers almost the entire acorn (not so with a Bur Oak) and typically an OCO doesn't have the lone hair-like structures growing out the end of the cap (Bur Oaks have the hair-like structures).