Berseem clover


I frost seeded Frosty berseem clover in March after reading that Craig Harper said it was the preferred clover for deer in field trails in Tennessee. It came up pretty good and my cameras showed the deer did prefer it over my perennial clover plots.

Anyways, I have read that it establishes quicker than other clovers, so I was thinking about adding it to my fall mix. Does anyone know if it will come up quick enough to draw deer this season? I’m used to having to wait until spring for fall-planted clover to do it’s thing. These plots are in Tennessee.
I’ve tried it several times and given up on it. I don’t feel like it’s any faster growing or anymore palatable than red clover. Because I have to pay shipping for it, I’m done. Deer did use it, like they do all my clovers. Even here in upstate NY with a September 27 first frost, red grows fast enough to provide some forage in the fall when planted Labor Day weekend. It does grow faster than white clovers I regularly use. Just my 0.02.
I will be planting berseem for my first time this fall and my understanding is that it will get out of the ground as quick or quicker than crimson and provide good attraction this fall. I will be adding Advantage Ladino, Medium Red and Ocoee Clover to this mix, along with a cereal grain, daikon radishes and PT Turnips.
Assuming you are planting it in the Dallas area, no I do not believe it will be a good hunting season draw. I like berseem but its a lot like crimson clover. Comes on late winter and lasts till June.ish, Lasts a bit later than crimson.Strong reseeding annual. Great for a late winter early spring feed but not a hunting season draw.

If you want a great early attractant , try daikon radishes in your area. Mix it in with your fall mix at about 3 lbs/acre with rye or wheat or whatever.
i think i remember that berseem was the quick germinating component in Imperial Whitetail clover - thats my only experience with it. For me if I'm going to plant a clover - I don't want to do it every year. Died out in NY winters - didn't re-seed from what I remember. Maybe good in a mix?
Yes, Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) is 33% of Whitetail Institute Clover and 11% Advantage Ladino. Insight Clover is Proprietary to WI. I'll be trying a Frosty Berseem this fall. I'm already using Advantage Ladino that I am happy with and I will add Ocoee (suggested by Allied Seed who produces Insight for WI), along with medium red and my other standbys like a cereal grain and radishes.

Imperial Whitetail Institute1.JPG Imperial Whitetail Institute.JPG Imperial Whitetail Institute2.JPG
Well, as of 2/20/2019, I'm disappointed with Frosty Berseem, in my location. Maybe I'll see more of it in the next 30 days, or maybe my Advantage Ladino and MRC just over powered it, I don't know, but right now, I will be crossing it off my list. :( Anyone else have a better experience with it?