Anything I can still plant in upstate ny?


my new drill is coming. Is there anything I can put under? Winter wheat winter rye? Any suggestions from the big dogs?
We are just like little boys when we get a new toy by golly we want to play with it. Don't blame you. You should be OK with winter rye or wheat as suggested though.
I would plant WR and get it in as soon as you can. I might consider throwing in some Radish and gamble on another late fall like last year.
What part of NY are you at? I have seen a lot of farmers planting their fall/winter crop this week here in Niagara county I would guess they are planting winter wheat or rye.
Farmers here are putting in Winter Rye now. They are finishing up cutting their corn and then seeding the fields with WR for winter. I am putting in two plots in the next week. Wanted to get them in before the rain this week but work got in the way. I will be planting next week with no worries. Never had a problem planting WR up until mid October. Never attempted a plot with WR after that.