Amazing Aspen Regeneration

Nice regeneration Osceola! You got a nice fall and winter food plot there to say nothing of the summer use it has likely had already. I love the poplar because managing it is basically free and even in some cases effortless and profitable.My property is experiencing excellent poplar regeneration as well and this summer the deer have fed on it in the stands checked second only to the bean field and clover fields.

Did you cut any additional stands of it last year and what was your specific cutting date?
What you see in the pictures was cut in August and September 2016. I've only done one cutting of about 16 acres.
It's nice to create 16 acres of food and cover and get paid for it!

With time I have come to realize that getting habitat projects done thru other people that are skilled and have the tools to do the job while getting paid for it is the best deal ever as long as those "other people"make out well also. And in the case of poplar cutting it is a win-win all around. I used to want to do all the projects myself but it is not always the best option. Good for you Osceola that you have this figured out at a relatively young age.