Almost that time

Well it was a balmy 90 degrees today, but with an 80% chance of rain tomorrow and a chance on Tuesday, we put some seed in the ground today for the screen. I'm testing one of Merit's new mixes that is a mix of EW, SG, and clover and planted roughly 1/2 acre of it on one edge of the plot. Along the ridge, I planted a 20 foot wide swath of pure EW. The ground was lightly disked, then the seed broadcast on, and followed by the cultipacker. Now just to hope for some rain and watch the forecast to find a good time to plant the actual plot.

Well it was a balmy 90 degrees today, but with an 80% chance of rain tomorrow and a chance on Tuesday, we put some seed in the ground today for the screen. I'm testing one of Merit's new mixes that is a mix of EW, SG, and clover and planted roughly 1/2 acre of it on one edge of the plot. Along the ridge, I planted a 20 foot wide swath of pure EW. The ground was lightly disked, then the seed broadcast on, and followed by the cultipacker. Now just to hope for some rain and watch the forecast to find a good time to plant the actual plot.

Looking good
Just throwing something out there to think about, prior to planting on Aug 1. I apologize, I didn't read everything above, but I assume you've sprayed? If you do not plan to till, after a good rain and 5 days, you may see a lot of volunteer wheat come up, that was left by the combine. The combine will usually spit out small sized seed, which will germinate pretty quickly.

By spraying Glyphosate, he killed a lot of the germ on any seed sitting on the top of the dirt.

Hell we farm fields worst than that lol looks good!
If it helps with visualization of what I'm doing, here's a mock up of the property. The dark green will be row crops and the yellow will be alfalfa, both done by a local farmer who currently leases the property. The dark brown is the screen I planted over the weekend and the lighter brown strips will be food plot. This spring the whole north section of the big plot will be converted to SG.

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Well I spent my evening running the disk over roughly 3.2 acres in preparation for seeding in the morning. With storms forecasted to roll in around 10 tomorrow morning, I've decided to broadcast my brassica mix to save time. The gly seemed to take care of a majority of the weeds and the ones that are left, appear to be wilting. On a more lively note, I've got decent germination on the EW I planted last weekend. Several green shoots are around an inch tall and I expect more will be popping up once we receive more rain!

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Got all of the brassica portion planted this morning and it started raining right as I was finishing up. Below is a picture I snapped quick of a few sprouts in the screen that was planted 6 days ago.

As of yesterday, all seed is in the ground except for some rye that I will broadcast into my oats, peas and clover in September. My egyptian wheat has been in the ground for 14 days and the brassica has been in the ground 7 days. Below are a few pictures of the growth of each so far. We got some rain this morning and more is forecasted the next 2 days, so everything should be off to a good start!

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Did some treestand work today and got a few exclusion cages up on the plot. So far everything is looking good. The oats and clover was planted 6 days ago and is approaching 3-4" in places already. I also noticed I'm getting a lot of volunteer wheat coming up in my brassica portion. At this point I'm going to be staying out until I overseed with rye at the beginning of September. Hopefully everything keeps going the way it has been!

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Well I finally made it back out to the farm today. Checked cameras, hung another stand, and broadcast rye into the upper strip of my plot (the peas, oats, and clover portion). Everything seems to be doing very well, with the exception of not getting as good of a weed kill as I would have liked. I will definitely be adjusting my strategy on spraying before planting next year. The screen was broadcast on 7/15, the brassicas were broadcast on 7/21, and the peas, oats, and clover were drilled on 7/29. All the pictures were taken this morning, 9/3. Shout out to my dad and his exceptional modeling! Thoughts?

Is this normal for EW? Was out at the farm doing other work today and noticed this on most of the plants in my egyptian wheat. Any thoughts on what it is?

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Well after sitting 6 times so far this year, I've got a few observations on the outcome of my first try with the plot/screen:

1. I need to do a better job of killing weeds. I sprayed and then disked the next day. I think this was a mistake. Pigweed and Mares Tail are pretty prevalent in the brassica portion and will need dealt with in the spring. Next year I plan to start in June by spraying, letting it sit a couple weeks, spraying again, then no till drilling the plot.

2. The EW screen came in great, but needs to be a little wider. It has worked well, but it wouldn't hurt to add to the width.

3. In addition to adding to the width, I want to adjust the lay of the plot to move it further from the property line. This is more to attempt to push deer towards the interior of the woods, instead of using my access trail as much.

4. I want to add a couple small kill plots. This will give me a few more options for stand locations for different winds.

Overall, my seasons been good so far. I was able to kill a doe the first sit a few weeks ago. I've been chasing antlers since, but haven't connected yet. I've sat a total of 6 times and had opportunities at does or smaller bucks on 4 of the 6 sits.


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Here's a map I've been missing with trying to decide how to layout the property for next season. The top right kill plot probably won't happen next year due to the need for clearing trees and stumps. The other 3 kill plots would be in existing clearings that would just need brushhogged and prepped. This also shows my thoughts on "pointing" the main plot away from the property line. The little red dots would be potential stand locations to take advantage of each wind direction. Does anyone have any thoughts/observations/suggestions on the layout? Im still pretty new to it all and would like to avoid any obvious mistakes if possible! Thanks!

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