Since starting to sit all day during my "rut hunts" , the number of quality bucks I have encountered has at least went up 10x, and I'm trying my best not to exaggerate.
I've shot about 1/2 of my 3.5 yr old or older bucks in MI between 10-2, but the number of sightings of older deer is about triple in the middle of the day.
Last year I was fortunate enough to hunt an amazing piece of property in OH with minimal pressure and great age structure. Probably a better view of what older deer do during the day when 700,000 hunters aren't after them
I hunted the 4-8th those days and encountered (best guess on ages) close to 14 different bucks that I believed to be older than 3.5 yrs of age (perfect weather). I only saw 3 of them when "normal" hunting times would be: 3 hours of the morning/3 hours evening. The movement between 10-2 was like a circus every day. Not a lot of young bucks, but the old bucks are mid day cruisers from what I observe, and have observed in MI over the years as well. If I HAD to choose a time to go out, it would be about 9:30 - 2:30, and skip the hours on each end during the rut. I ended up shooting a 5.5+ yr old buck in the shoulder blade at 11:30 on the 8th
....he came in with another buck as well that was 5.5 or older. Both were cruising and came to the horns.
I went back for 1 day on the 24th of November and saw 1 shooter at 1:30 in the afternoon. My friend killed him 30 minutes later about 400 yards away. 6.5 yrs old and scored 161"
Off my soapbox about my observations, I know every property is different....
Mid day movement for an older/experienced buck just makes sense to me. These bucks are experienced in the rut, and know how to work efficiently to find estrous does, and do it in a fashion that they don't waste energy, or time. They don't cover every inch of the property running like mad. Why search for does when they are scattered throughout a property on their way to/from bedding and feeding as spread out as they can be over a larger area?
Wait till they are all IN bed in known bedding areas, not moving, and search down wind of those areas in the middle of the day? Just makes sense to me when targeting old bucks that know the property/know how to search. JMO
Biggest help for my hunting has been switching to Millennium stands that make an all day sit feel like sitting on the sofa