Thoughts on RR alfalfa monoculture vs alfalfa-Clover-chicory mix?
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I haven't seen a reason to kill chicory,it gets eaten to the ground.Beside that just about all my other weeds are RR resistant.I spray a form of cleth for grass
I personally don’t care too much for Chicory. Not that it is not a good selection for deer food but it is one of the tougher to kill choices. I battle enough with other tough to control weeds, my thought is why make life even more difficult. The RR makes for easier weed control during the establishment year before the succeeding years with regular mowings the main challenge is grass that can easily be taken care of without harming the Alfalfa.
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My 5 yo alfalfa/clover/chicory plot disagrees with those thots.I prefer Alfalfa in a monoculture. When you mix with clover, the clover ends up choking it out.
My 5 yo alfalfa/clover/chicory plot disagrees with those thots.
You must have way more talent than me! My alfalfa in mixes always slowly disappears.
I agree the white clover does gradually dominate but after 5 years alfalfa is still 30+% of plot which is approx its planting rate initially. If it wasn't for the exclusion cage, I would think the alfalfa wasn't much there as the deer browse it really heavy. I have to search in the plot but in the exclusion cage which I move about, the chicory, WC, and alfalfa are equal. Maybe the plot is fooling you.
I also overseed with WR in Oct which helps with weed control and continues green feed. Not much worry from me of weeds since I'm not baling for feed or sale. What weed may grow that deer don't like is simply managed timely with mowing, no prob. Now grasses I do spray every couple years with Cleth to control but honestly I don't lose much sleep with grasses either. I mean it is just a deer food plot.