So living in Georgia, we have some fairly acidic soil and getting a lime truck to your plots back in the woods is not always possible. Most of the soil samples I have done over the years require on the average of 2 tons per acre. It gets expensive using pelletized lime.
I have seen the new Sides spread all spreader that will spread AG lime, compost,etc. It looks like a great design, but at $6800 that's a bit strong especially for a fairly new product to the market.
Has anyone consider used golf course top dressers. They come as tow behinds or self propelled. Now new they are even more expensive but there are tons of them on the used market. They have the same basic design as large agricultural spreaders with beater bars or spinners and a conveyor system. My thoughts are you can likely double up your savings between the AG lime savings and using chicken litter or compost compared to Pelletized lime and fertilizer.
Any thoughts?
I have seen the new Sides spread all spreader that will spread AG lime, compost,etc. It looks like a great design, but at $6800 that's a bit strong especially for a fairly new product to the market.
Has anyone consider used golf course top dressers. They come as tow behinds or self propelled. Now new they are even more expensive but there are tons of them on the used market. They have the same basic design as large agricultural spreaders with beater bars or spinners and a conveyor system. My thoughts are you can likely double up your savings between the AG lime savings and using chicken litter or compost compared to Pelletized lime and fertilizer.
Any thoughts?