3 weeks since planting


Active Member
I planted 3 weeks ago and was fortunate to have a heavy rain the day after I planted and then again 6 days later. For some reason I never put exclusion cages out until my plots were established, but did it when I planted this year and I am simply amazed how much grazing has already taken place.


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I planted 3 weeks ago and was fortunate to have a heavy rain the day after I planted and then again 6 days later. For some reason I never put exclusion cages out until my plots were established, but did it when I planted this year and I am simply amazed how much grazing has already taken place.


Sent from my iPad using Deer Hunter Forum
Nice plot. Is that chicory and oats?
Rye, oats, chicory and annual clover. The deer appear to be ignoring the chicory but hammering the grains.
That's interesting, I've noticed that too, my deer really don't go for chicory like they do for the clover in my mix. I see the clover grazed heavily, with nice chicory leaves coming up through the mix untouched, every now and then one nipped off. And once the clover freezes they go for oats above all else. I'm becoming more and more aware of how the preferences of whitetails varies, even from farm to farm in the same neighborhood.
That's interesting, I've noticed that too, my deer really don't go for chicory like they do for the clover in my mix. I see the clover grazed heavily, with nice chicory leaves coming up through the mix untouched, every now and then one nipped off. And once the clover freezes they go for oats above all else. I'm becoming more and more aware of how the preferences of whitetails varies, even from farm to farm in the same neighborhood.

The fact that the chicory is being ignored for now doesn't bother me in the least - the only reason I added it to my mix is to extend the productive life of my plots after the arrowleaf clover fades. Late summer is a major stress period here and my plots haven't been producing anything from late July until I replant in mid October. This is my first time planting chicory and since I'm planting it in a mix I will have to treat it as an annual but it should be worth it - I guess I will know for sure next summer!